We would like to draw your attention to our crowdfunding campaign on We Make it. We would like to raise a total of CHF 50,000 (or $50,648) for our unique wine platform. We need it to survive as a small niche platform, generate more sales through marketing and social media, keep sourcing excellent product and to sustain all the jobs connected to this endeavor. No, we can’t cure any diseases nor help with the refugee crisis. But what we can do is make the world a tiny bit better by offering products that reflect green values, and by supporting the idea of social gatherings – getting together with family and friends, to enjoy each other’s company while engaging in a type of wine tasting. You get to make your own personal house wine. Surely, nothing much can beat that 

Seriously, though, if we get 25000 fans contributing $2 each, we’ve made it. And we do think we contribute something that makes your lives lovelier: drinking wine with people whose company you enjoy. And if you don’t, then the wine definitely helps.

Thank you for reading. Link to we make it here.

For more details on My Own Cuvee, check out our press release. And just go through our blog. We offer recipes that we’ve tested, hotels and places we’ve been to and of course, the possibility to make your own personal wine blend. with your own personal label. You can’t know how awesome it is until you’ve tried it and it makes for a wonderfully personal gift for any occasion. Anybody can go into a wine shop and buy a bottle. We offer something much better. 😉